Special Thanks…
Current and past Dennis Township Mayors and Committee Members
For their support of the Museum over all the years.
Al DiCicco
Former Committee Member and his support of the Oral History project, Historic Cemeteries project, as well as numerous photographs and general support of the Museum.
Thanks to both past and present volunteers – without your participation and hard work the Museum would not exist.
Thanks to all the Dennis Township residents and anyone else who have contributed items, knowledge and history to the Museum.
Ray Rebmann
Curator & Historian and for keeping the Museum open & much more. 3 Year term thru 2019.
Bevin O’Grady
Deputy Curator (Volunteer)
George Brewer Jr.
For hundreds of photographs and so much more.
Tom Champion
For photographs and a wealth of knowledge about Belleplain.
Thomas Laughlin
For audio/visual support & photography.
Friends Of Dennis Township Old School House Museum
A non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to raise funds and seek grants to help pay for repairs/paint for the exterior of the Old School House Museum and to explore possible uses for the Ludlam School and costs to restore the building. Visit their website –
Dennisville Historic Home Owners Association
A non profit corporation organized to study the history of Dennisville and the surrounding area and to encourage the preservation of the historic homes in the village and in the township so that future generations will be able to view them and learn about the history of the area. Visit their website –